
Friday 11 September 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 11/09/2020

A somewhat underwhelming Baro visit this time around, though Volt Prime has not been around for a while and is definitely worth picking up...except Baro only brought one of the two relics containing his parts.

New Items

  • Green Ki'Teer Safari K-Drive Scrawl - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  • Axi V8 - one of two Baro relics containing parts for Volt and Odonata Primes, the other being Neo O1. Baro has been the only source of Volt and Odonata Prime Relics for over a year now, and if that remains the case, the Axi V8 (and Neo O1) will remain as must-buys. Volt is a very versatile Warframe who is meta for several roles, and is absolutely worth investment.


  • Primed Charged Shell - +165% Electric for Shotguns. Somewhat less useful as Radiation and Corrosive have fallen slightly from favour, though Corrosive in particular is the best combined element for the Cambion Drift. Still a big damage boost.
  • Machete Wraith - MR11 Machete Melee. With decent Crit and great Status Chance, it is easily the best non-Zaw Machete, and arguably the best Machete overall.


  • Zylok - MR6 Secondary. Slash- and Status-focused, but vastly outclassed by many other Secondaries. Has a Duplex trigger unique to it and the Tigris family.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's stock.
  • Baro Void Signal - Key to an exclusive mission series. Only available with Inaros Prime equipped, can only be played as Inaros Prime, and only available once per Baro visit (but available every Baro visit). Offers some unique cosmetics for completing a full set of 5.

Do Not Buy

  •  Buzz Kill/Maim/Sweeping Serration - +120% Slash for Melee/Secondaries/Shotguns. For Melee and Secondaries, they are overshadowed by the new +Slash/Status Chance mods, Carnis Mandible and Carnis Stinger. Sweeping Serration has a niche use on a few Shotguns that are Slash-focused. In all cases, they can also be obtained quite cheaply from other players, as they can drop from the Hydrolyst.

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