
Wednesday 30 September 2020

Review: Fortuna Primary Kitguns (29.2.0)

Secondary Kitguns were originally released in Fortuna in U24. As the playerbase began to experiment with them, much like with Zaws on release, we found them to be generally top-tier, or even best-in-class for the most part. Some time later in U28, we were given the ability to create Primary Kitguns as well. They use the same Chambers and Loaders as Secondary Kitguns, but with new Grips. These new Grips largely correspond stat-wise to the existing Secondary Grips.
The Tremor has the highest Damage/lowest Fire Rate, Steadyslam increased Damage/low Fire Rate, Shrewd reduced Damage/higher Fire Rate, and Brash lowest Damage, highest Fire Rate. In the case of the Gaze beam weapon, Fire Rate is constant, and Grips affect Beam Range instead.

Like when the Secondary Kitguns came out, I'll be going through each Chamber, how it compares to what is already out there, and how I personally would recommend building it. Unfortunately, Semlar's Kitgun builder has not yet been updated for Primaries, however the Wiki page does have a full table of all the builds. Again, all stats will be based off of Gilded version, which consume 5000 Fortuna standing and 10 Shelter Bonds.

Saturday 26 September 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 25/09/2020

A new Pistol skin from Baro, otherwise there isn't a great deal of notable stuff here.

Friday 25 September 2020

Prime Unvaulting: Ember and Frost Primes (2020)

The next upcoming Unvaulting is a classic, Ember and Frost Primes. They will take the place of the current ones, Nova and Trinity Primes, on the 29th of September.

Sunday 20 September 2020

Review: Sepulcrum (U29.1.1)

The Sepulcrum is an MR14 Secondary, the counterpart to the Primary Trumna. Firing pairs of explosive rounds in Primary Fire, and a swarm of homing projectiles with its Alternate Fire, it is powerful, if somewhat unconventional, heavy pistol.

Saturday 12 September 2020

Review: Trumna (U29.0.8)

The Trumna is an MR13 Rifle introduced in U29: Heart of Deimos. With a solid, heavy hitting explosive Primary Fire, and an extremely powerful explosive, bouncing Alternate Fire, it is a relatively slow but very strong weapon.

Friday 11 September 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 11/09/2020

A somewhat underwhelming Baro visit this time around, though Volt Prime has not been around for a while and is definitely worth picking up...except Baro only brought one of the two relics containing his parts.