
Saturday 4 July 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 03/07/2020

A couple of decent items this time around, not much amazing.

New Items

  • Prisma Lotus Sigil - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  • Primed Animal Instinct - +55m Loot Radar, +33m Enemy Radar for Companions. Incredibly useful mod that gives very large radar.
  • Primed Pressure Point - +165% Damage for Melee. Very good damage boost for any weapon that does not want to use Condition Overload, or if you don't have CO yet.
  • Primed Flow - +275% Energy Max for Warframes. Very useful for Frames that want to be casting a lot of abilities rapidly, or have channeled abilities that drain-over-time.


  • Primed Morphic Transformer - +55% Ability Strength for Archwings. There still isn't too much that +PStr benefits in Archwings, and Archwings are still very limited use, so this one is mainly future-proofing for when we get more Archwings/Archwing missions.
  • Prisma Obex - MR10 Sparring Melee. Extremely fast and has a very solid stat spread. A very solid Sparring Melee if you enjoy that type of weapon.
  • Axi A2 Relic - Relic containing exclusive Aklex Prime parts. Aklex Prime is a hard-hitting dual Secondary, though is largely outclassed by a Tombfinger Kitgun.


  • Prisma Angstrum - MR8 Explosive Secondary. Not a great AoE Secondary, deals decent damage but is quite slow and has surprisingly small explosions.
  • Stalker Beacon - Beacon that forces Stalker spawn. Does not offer anything that regular random Stalker spawns cannot drop.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's stock.

Do Not Buy

  • None

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