
Friday 31 July 2020

Review: Panthera Prime (U28.2.0)

The Panthera Prime is an MR14 sawblade-launching Primary, recently released alongside Inaros Prime in U28.2. Firing explosive, bouncing sawblades, it is a novel weapon quite effective against groups, however its spread greatly limits single-target damage.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Review: Ignis Wraith (U28.2.0)

The Ignis Wraith is an MR9 Flamethrower Primary. With a large AoE, great Status Chance and solid Crit, it is a very strong all-round weapon, but an especially effective crowd clearer.

Friday 17 July 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 17/07/2020

Since Inaros Prime has just released, it is worth noting that Baro Ki'Teer will offer a special item if you have Inaros Prime equipped. Otherwise, not a very good Baro visit, with the main notable items being just the two weapons.

Review: Akstiletto Prime (U28.2.0)

The Akstiletto Prime is an MR10 Dual Secondary, released back in U18.12 alongside Vauban and Fragor Primes. Once a gold standard for Pistols, in recent times it faces stiff competition from a variety of new as well as old, buffed weapons. Nonetheless, it remains a reliable and effective weapon.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Review: Kuva Karak (U28.0.7)

The MR13 Kuva Karak is the undisputed king of the Karak family. With buffs in nearly every stat compared to its predecessors, it is a very generic but unquestionably effective Rifle.

Saturday 4 July 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 03/07/2020

A couple of decent items this time around, not much amazing.