
Friday 22 May 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 22/05/2020

A mixed bag of stuff from Baro, not especially noteworthy but far from the worst visit for sure. Notably, it brought the very last weapon I need to master (that I can obtain at least), Machete Wraith, which I'd somehow overlooked every other time it came.

New Items

  • Prisma Lotus Emblem - Cosmetic.


Must Buy

  • Primed Reach - +3 metre Range for Melee. Drastically increases the range of most  Melee weapons, extremely useful for taking down large groups of enemies faster.


  • Primed Heated Charge - +165% Heat for Secondaries. A huge damage boost and especially strong with the Heat proc rework. The biggest challenge is often fitting it in builds given its high drain.
  • Machete Wraith - MR11 Machete Melee. The best Machete in the game besides arguably a Zaw, having received massive buffs in the Melee 3.0 rework. A pretty strong overall weapon.
  • Axi A2 - Relic containing Lex and Aklex Prime parts. Both are fairly strong handcannon Secondaries, but have since been rather powercrept by various newer releases.


  • Viper Wraith - MR4 Full-Auto Crit Secondary. Very weak, not worth significant investment. Hilariously outclassed by far too many weapons.
  • Primed Quickdraw - +88% Reload Speed for Secondaries. Nice on some Secondaries, but has to compete for its slot with many other strong mod options (like the aforementioned Primed Heated Charge).
  • Primed Heavy Trauma - +165% Impact for Melees. Only good for boosting Atlas' Landslide (which is pure base Impact), as Impact is an awful damage type.
  • Stalker Beacon - Beacon for summoning Stalker. Useful if you desparately want to farm his drops, but offers nothing that his random encounters don't already give.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always in Baro's stock.

Do Not Buy

  •  None.

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