
Saturday 29 February 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 28/2/20

A pretty solid visit from Baro this time around, several good Primed mods to grab and a couple of weapons.

New Items

  • Prisma Latron Chest Plate - Cosmetic


Must Buy

  • Primed Continuity - +55% Ability Duration for Warframes. Finds a place on just about every Warframe, and particularly good since most of them are starved for Mod slots.
  • Primed Target Cracker - +110% Crit Damage for Secondaries. One half of the mod set that makes the many Crit Secondaries so powerful.


  • Primed Ravage - +110% Crit Damage for Shotguns. Unlike Secondaries, there are relatively fewer Crit Shotguns, so Primed Ravage will see a lot less use than PTC.
  • Primed Charged Shell - +165% Electric Damage for Shotguns. A big damage/bias boost for any Shotguns that can fit it. As an elemental mod though, it's a lower priority than the above Primed mods.


  • Axi A2 - Relic containg Lex and Aklex Prime components. Notably the only way to obtain Aklex Prime, which is a decent Secondary but has been largely powercreeped in recent years. Get if you like dual-wielding hand-cannons or want some Mastery.
  • Prisma Angstrum - MR8 explosive Secondary. Not very notable considering the increasing repertoire of extremely powerful AoE Secondaries.
  • Prova Vandal - MR8 Machete Melee. Significantly improved from the Melee rework, but still an underwhelming and outclassed weapon.
  • Sands of Inaros - Quest for Inaros. Always available from Baro.

Do Not Buy

  • Corrupted Bombard Specter Blueprint - Blueprint to create Corrupted Bombard Specters. At high levels, they possess no notable values, with minimal damage output and no useful abilities. Warframe Specters and Ancient Healer Specters are much more useful.

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