
Friday 23 November 2018

Review: AkVasto Prime (U24.1.0)

Having been only just released in U24.0.6 with the Mag and Nova Unvaulting, the MR12 AkVasto Prime is of course a dual version of the Vasto Prime. With only a couple of stat differences between the single and dual version, the AkVastoP is not functionally very different to the single VastoP. Like AkLex Prime, it is available in its own unique relic, the Axi A5, which contains all the necessary Vasto and AkVasto Prime parts.


The AkVasto Prime requires two built Vasto Primes, as well as an additional part and blueprint. All of the necessary parts and blueprints are available from the special Axi A5 relic, much like the AkLex Prime's Axi A2. This relic is currently available from the Void and PoE/OV bounties like the other Unvaulting relics, but is also available from Baro Ki'Teer.


Crit, status and majority Slash damage have all remained the same from the single Vasto Prime, which is to say they are all quite good. The magazine capacity has doubled, with a small increase in ROF and moderate increase in Reload Time. The AkvastoP's Reload Ratio is 1.35, which is an improvement over the single VastoP. These stat differences are all as expected for a dual version.

I consider the ROF to be unnecessarily high for a semi-auto with a relatively small mag capacity, especially with how much recoil the AkVastoP has (which I'll discuss later).




With two native V polarities, a basic crit build can be easily fit into the AkVasto Prime even without Forma. There's even space to switch one of the 60/60s for a 90% if you're so inclined. However, for a Viral setup, I recommend building for maximum Status Chance for more Slash procs. The (Ak)Vasto Prime has perfect stats for reliably proccing big Slash, and having both 60/60s to form Viral is the best way to take advantage of this. The large and frequent Slash procs combine fantastically with the health halving Viral proc to eat through armoured enemies quite quickly.

Against unarmoured enemies, I'd recommend just going for a maximum damage build, as Slash procs are not notably effective against them as they are against armoured enemies.

Recommended Setups: Viral vs Grineer, Corrupted, unarmoured Corpus, Radiation vs armoured Corpus, Corrosive vs Infested

Primed Crit 1-Forma:
An extra V polarity lets you comfortably fit in both of the Primed crit mods. Those mods give a substantial damage boost to the AkVasto Prime. If you don't have the Primed mods yet, the extra polarity still gives you a lot of flexibility on the last slot. Whether you want more damage with something like Augur Pact, or maybe a reload boost with (Primed) Quickdraw, there are a lot of good options.

Recommended Setups: see above.

Raw Damage 2-Forma:
Another V polarity lets you upgrade both 60/60s to 90% mods even with the Primed crit mods, if you're after more up-front damage. I wouldn't recommend it for a Viral build against regular armoured enemies, since Slash procs are your best bet against them, but against anything without armour, more damage is great and the Slash procs are less important. From here, you'd probably want one more V polarity for Lethal Torrent, then anything else will depend on what you want in that last slot. Again things like Augur Pact, (Primed) Quickdraw or Seeker are all good options, entirely up to your personal preference.

Recommended Setups: Viral status vs Grineer, Corrupted, Viral damage or (Viral + Electric) vs unarmoured Corpus, Radiation or (Radiation + Cold/Toxin) vs armoured Corpus, Corrosive or (Corrosive + Heat) vs Infested

Combat Use and Summary

The AkVasto Prime is functionally not much different to the single Vasto Prime. Great Slash proccing ability gives it a powerful advantage against armoured enemies, capable of rapidly eating away at their health with repeated Slash procs. It is relatively inefficient against groups, with a poor Reload Ratio and no AoE or notable crowd killing capabilities, but fares slightly better than the single VastoP. Likewise, while the AkVastoP can do solid damage to high health unarmoured enemies, it is outclassed for raw DPS by a number of other secondaries.

As expected from a dual weapon, the AkVasto Prime has significantly more recoil than the single Vasto Prime. It kicks up harder, and also kicks towards the right noticeably. Also like the single VastoP, the AkVastoP is quite accurate on its first shots, but gains a significant amount of spread in rapid fire. As a result, while it works just fine in close quarters, especially at longer ranges, consecutive headshots are increasingly difficult to land within a short timeframe. The single VastoP is much more controllable and usable for long range.

If you were familiar with the single Vasto Prime before, the AkVasto Prime should not be anything surprising. It has the same firepower and Slash proccing brutality, as well as the frequent reloading. If you enjoyed VastoP's power, you will probably enjoy the AkVastoP. It's a powerful weapon that handles the majority of Warframe content quite well. While it's readily available from the Void and Bounties, I'd definitely recommend picking up some of the special Axi A5 Relics. I'm not a fan of the weapon personally, but I can definitely respect its firepower and style.


Vs Trash Mobs: 2.5/5 - Better Reload Ratio than the single Vasto Prime, but still quite low. Kills individual enemies easily, but is less efficient against groups.
Vs Unarmoured Heavies: 4.5/5 - Higher RoF than the Vasto Prime gives it an edge for Burst DPS.
Vs Armoured Heavies: 4.5/5 - Very good Status Chance with majority Slash and good crit, like the single, the AkVasto Prime inflicts a lot of brutal slash procs.

Vs Variants

The MR12 AkVasto Prime is a significant improvement over the MR8 AkVasto. The majority of stats have been increased, with the primary exception of ROF. I don't consider this to be a problem since semi-autos are difficult to use at high ROF anyway. Although Impact and Puncture damages were reduced, Slash was increased substantially for an overall base Damage buff, and a massive Slash bias increase.
Compared to the single Vasto Prime, the AkVasto Prime is a much smaller change. As expected for a dual weapon, its Mag Capacity is doubled and ROF increased, at the cost of extra Reload Time. These stat changes result in an overall Reload Ratio improvement, though not listed in the stats is also a significant recoil increase as well. I consider the AkVastoP to be an overall, if relatively minor, improvement over the single VastoP.


The closest competitors to the AkVasto Prime are probably the AkMagnus and AkBolto Prime. The AkMagnus has a larger magazine, but has a much slower reload, is a little weaker, and with majority Impact damage, lacks far behind against armoured enemies. The AkBolto Prime is very, very heavy on crit and direct damage, but has a lot low Status Chance and is majority Puncture, so relies mainly on Corrosive armour stripping for anti-armour.

Again, if you're looking to branch out into other Semi-Auto secondaries, there are many other options to look at, like Arca Scisco, (Ak)Lex Prime and Lato Vandal.


Riven seen on Trade Chat

The AkVasto (Prime) is sitting at a fairly high 4/5 (1.3) Riven Disposition, and can gain quite a lot from even a mediocre Riven. I would consider 2/5 (~0.8) or 3/5 (~1) to be more reasonable given its power.

As usual, Damage/Multishot/Crit Chance/Crit Damage are great stats to have on an AkVasto Riven. A suitable element can help save a mod slot, which opens up some freedom in builds. Punch Through is a great help for groups. I would consider -Recoil to be a decent stat as well given how hard the AkVastoP kicks. +Reload Speed/Mag Capacity can be nice convenience stats as well.

A reasonable value of -Max Ammo can be a decent negative since the AkVastoP is relatively ammo efficient. -Zoom is perfect if you only intend to use it for closer range. -Impact/Puncture have little effect on the AkVastoP's base damage and boost the other Riven stats substantially. -Projectile Flight Speed has no effect. If you can compensate for it, +Recoil can be manageable, but I wouldn't recommend it. Personally, I'd also consider -Fire Rate to be a reasonable negative, as the weapon fires more than fast enough as is.

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