
Saturday 3 November 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 2/11/18

These posts will be a summary of what Baro brings, how good I consider each of them to be, and how I would prioritise their importance if you're on a limited budget. Not a great Baro visit to start these posts on, if I'm honest.

  • Harkonar Wraith Chest Armour: Cosmetic
  • Thermite Rounds/Scattering Inferno/Scorch/Volcanic Edge: 60/60 Heat mods. Quite useful, but also can be easily acquired from Spy missions, or from trading for far cheaper than what Baro is charging.
  • Primed Quickdraw: +88% Reload Speed. Useful for secondaries with long reload time but certainly not essential, and competes with many other good mods for that slot.
  • Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation: Improved ammo mutation for secondaries. Personally I've only ever used the regular ammo mutation on one weapon (Pox), and have never felt the need for the Primed version.
  • Prisma Skana: Sword with decent crit, and a good augment, but awful base damage and low status. Vastly outclassed by multiple other swords including Krohkur and of course Zaw swords.
  • Prisma Gorgon: Powerful crit LMG with decent status and high Riven disposition. Not a weapon I particularly like due to its small mag (for an LMG) and spool up, but it is quite effective and is definitely worth a look.
  • Gorgon Towsun Skin: Cosmetic
  • Sonicor Elixis Skin: Cosmetic
  • Ki'Teer Sentinel Mask/Wings/Tail: Cosmetics
  • Eos Prime Armour Set: Cosmetics
  • 3 Day Credit Booster: Useful if you intend to be credit farming for the next couple of days, but would be cheaper if you traded your Prime parts for Plat, and just bought the booster from Market with Plat instead.
  • Sands of Inaros: Always available from Baro, Inaros is a decent Warframe and this quest is pretty cheap.
Must Buy:
  • None (arguably Prisma Gorgon).
  • Prisma Gorgon (an argument could be made to push this up to Must Buy, as by far the best item this visit, but I don't really like it personally) - powerful crit rifle that can handle the majority of Warframe's content.
  • Prisma Skana - mediocre at best by sword standards, outclassed by multiple other swords. Looks cool at least and gives Mastery points, which are always useful.
  • Primed Quickdraw - only useful on a few secondaries, and even then has competition for that slot anyway.
  • Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation - maybe useful for secondaries with terrible ammo efficiency, but I've never experienced that problem to the extent that the regular Ammo Mutation is insufficient.
  • Sands of Inaros - only down here because Baro stocks it every time, thus is not a high priority to buy. Absolutely worth buying when you have the spare credits and Ducats though.
Do Not Buy:
  • Thermite Rounds/Scattering Inferno/Scorch/Volcanic Edge - easily acquired just from running Spy missions, and can all be bought for a couple of Plat from other players. For the Ducat value it costs for just one of them, you could have sold the Prime parts for Plat, and bought all four from other players.
  • 3 Day Credit Booster - unless you're adverse to trading, like the 60/60 Heat mods, it would be more efficient to sell the Prime parts for Plat, then just buy the booster with Plat off the Market.

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