
Saturday 17 November 2018

Baro Ki'Teer: 16/11/18

It's been a long time since Primed Flow has been available, and the stuff in this visit doesn't do much to alleviate that. A lot of cosmetics this time round.

  • Axi A5 Relic: Contains Vasto and Akvasto Prime Parts. Currently available from regular drop methods including Bounties, so not worth buying this time around. Once this Unvaulting ends, this relic would be potentially worth buying some of.
  • Harkonar Wraith Leg Armour: Cosmetic
  • Fanged Fusillade: +120% Slash for primaries. Was already fairly niche before Hunter Munitions was a thing, now is even more niche. Can also be acquired from Eidolon Hydrolyst, or from other players for much cheaper than Baro.
  • Vermillion Storm: Stance for Claws. Not my favourite Claw stance, and can be rarely acquired from Kuva Guardians. Very cheap to acquire from other players.
  • Astral Twilight: Stance for Glaives. Rarely drops from Kuva Jesters, and is also very cheap to acquire from other players.
  • Tempo Royale: Stance for Heavy Blades. A very mobile stance that is a lot of fun to use, and is otherwise very difficult to acquire.
  • Prisma Angstrum: Rocket firing secondary. Decent crit and good status, with very high base damage. Powerful, but has a terrible Reload Ratio (0.83) and is prone to killing its user with self damage. A fun but niche secondary.
  • Prisma Grakata: Very fast firing rifle with good crit and status. Plays like an SMG, fantastic in close quarters but recoil and spread make it difficult to use beyond that. A very good primary rifle, definitely worth picking up.
  • Twin Grakatas Sowtun Skin: Cosmetic
  • Prisma Uru Syandana: Cosmetic
  • Ki'Teer Chest/Shoulder/Leg Plates: Cosmetics
  • Nexus Fur Pattern: Cosmetic
  • Ki'Teer Arrow Skin: Cosmetic
  • Anpu Staff Skin: Cosmetic
  • Anpu Sugatra: Cosmetic
  • Mantis Prisma Skin: Cosmetic...
  • Ki'Teer Atmos Earpiece: ...
  • Ki'Teer Earpiece: ...
  • Ki'Teer Solo Earpiece: ...
  • Baro Ki'Teer Glyph: ...
  • Inaros Tomb Scene: Captura scene, in other words a different type of cosmetic...
  • Sands of Inaros: Always available from Baro, Inaros is a solid Warframe and the quest is cheap.


Must Buy:
  • Prisma Grakata: One of the best fast firing rifles in the game, capable of blasting through most enemies in the game.

  • Tempo Royale: A mobile and fun stance for Heavy Blades, but does far less raw damage than Cleaving Whirlwind's Broken Bull combo. Absolutely worth getting if you like Heavy Blades.
  • Prisma Angstrum: Worth buying if you enjoy explosive secondaries or want more mastery, but there are a lot of better secondaries.
  • Sands of Inaros: Absolutely worth buying when you have the spare credits + Ducats, but it's always in Baro's stock so there's no rush for it.
Do Not Buy:
  • Axi A5 Relic: Can be readily farmed for free from the Void, or especially Plains and Vallis Bounties depending on rotation. I've acquired at least 10 of them easily from just doing Bounties.
  • Fanged Fusillade: Acquirable from drop sources in game, or from trading with players for much cheaper than Baro.
  • Vermillion Storm: ^
  • Astral Twilight: ^

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