
Testing Environment

The highest level content I typically play are Sorties, Kuva Floods, Zone 8 of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught and the first few Rotation C's of Arbitrations. An honourable mention goes to Eidolons, which aren't technically high-level but can still be quite tough. I don't really enjoy endurance runs. As such, the highest level enemies I normally face are around 100-110, and this is the level I consider "high" in my content. A "good" weapon to me is a weapon that can easily handle the majority of the above listed content, or at least enemies at those levels.

I have not considered the Steel Path in my posts. This is partly due to it coming out a while after I'd already started blogging, but also partly because it is an absurdly large jump from all other content. A level 100 Steel Path enemy is roughly equivalent to a level 500+ regular enemy, because of the extra health/shield/armour modifiers.

EDIT U30.5.4: With DE's increasing emphasis on content contained in and intended for Steel Path, I have begun playing more and more Steel Path content. Take note that it is still an enormous jump in difficulty compared to "regular" enemies. Generally speaking, equipment will be rated up to their capabilities in non-endless Steel Path (maxing around level 130-150).

EDIT U33.5.2: I generally test weapons at two benchmarks on Steel Path - Ani, Void (level 120-125) without an Arcane, or Circulus, Lua (level 180-200) with an Arcane. The main reason for this is simply not wanting to buy and install Arcane Adapters in every single weapon. I consider a weapon "good" if it can comfortably kill enemies at these respective benchmarks. Of course, any weapon that can handle Circulus, Lua comfortably without an Arcane is exceptional.

In Simulacrum, I typically test things against enemies around level 110-125. When using the Simulacrum, I typically test weapons against maximum level enemies (currently level 195 at LR3). For Simulacrum tests, I use Harrow's Condemn (1, subsumable). Condemn is used as it allows consistent head or body shots without worrying about enemies moving around or getting staggered while being attacked.

EDIT 33.5.2: Simulacrum now has a Steel Path setting, which I have on at all times. This allows accurate testing against Steel Path tier enemies without having to use analogues such as Gokstad Officers.

Though not necessarily representative of in-game combat, it allows for much more consistent comparisons of builds and weapons. My previous go-to was Vauban's old Bastille, but his new passive as of U23.3 gave him a 25% damage buff against Bastille'd enemies, which is an unfair advantage. Additionally, Bastille now strips armour over time, which is detrimental for anti-armour testing.

To test against Trash Mobs, I spawn enemies like Runners, Chargers, Butchers, Crewmen and MOAs.
To test against Unarmoured Heavies, I spawn enemies like Corpus Techs, Scrambi/Combi, Anti/Fusion MOAs, Ancients, Boilers and Brood Mothers.
To test against Armoured Heavies, I spawn Heavy Gunners, Bombards, and Bursas.

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