
About Me

About Me

I started Warframe in November 2016, and have sunk way too much time and money into the game since. Saryn Prime was my first prime frame, and remains one of my favourite and most used Frames. Titania Prime is more recent, but has quickly become my other favourite Frame, getting used for almost everything.

Outside of gaming, my primary hobbies are Lego and Star Wars, specifically X-Wing TMG, and of course in the past Nerf as well. Besides Lego/Star Wars videogames, I am also a big fan of the Command and Conquer, Pokemon, Persona and Xenoblade series'.

About This Blog

I started this blog because I wanted to share all of the things I'd tried and used in Warframe, to put out another opinion. Warframe is a game where there is a ridiculous number of different mods, and especially for newer players, the amount of information can be very overwhelming. My plan for the blog is to give a general idea of what I find the various weapons/Warframes to be good for, and how I'd recommend modding them. Of course, there is significant debate on how something should be built. The builds featured in my blog are simply ones that I like and recommend, not necessarily the best for you and certainly not necessarily the "best" builds. All of this is based on my opinions, preferences and experiences.

One of the other major drivers was the relative lack of Warframe text blogs, with the vast majority of WF content creators doing videos. Personally, I much prefer a good text article over even the best made videos, and especially when it comes to looking for builds, I prefer some text and a few quick images than a video.


Besides commenting on the blog or trying to get in contact in-game, feel free to drop me an email at:
No, the email address isn't a trap.

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