
Tuesday 23 May 2023

Review: Prisma Lenz (U33.0.10)

The Prisma Lenz is an MR12 explosive Bow Primary. An upgraded variant of the MR8 Lenz, it delivers impressive damage in a wide range with its two-part explosion, though even with Hunter Munitions is not the most effective against heavily armoured enemies.

Saturday 6 May 2023

Baro Ki'Teer 05/05/2023

A few decent items this visit, though only one I'd consider high priority.

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Loadouts: Tanky Steel Path Yareli (U33.0.4)

Yareli has gone through several rounds of buffs since her original release in U30.5. As the K-Drive Frame, she was always destined to be polarising, and her underwhelming on-release state certainly didn't help. With her many buffs and introduction of Augments though, Yareli is a surprisingly tanky Frame with reasonable CC and great Secondary buffs - provided you can tolerate her K-Drive gameplay.