
Sunday 30 October 2022

Review: Catabolyst (U32.0.13)

The Catabolyst is an MR11 Infested Beam Secondary, introduced in U29.5 Deimos Arcana. Its standard attack is a fairly strong single-target beam attack. Uniquely, the Catabolyst throws a grenade upon reloading that is massively strengthened if the magazine was totally emptied. With base Corrosive damage, it is a surprisingly strong and novel weapon.

Saturday 22 October 2022

Review: Fortuna Secondary Kitguns (Updated 32.0.13)

With Fortuna came the second batch of modular weapons, "Kitgun" secondaries, which can be acquired from and built with Rude Zuud. Like Cetus Zaws, they consist of three parts: a Chamber which determines the projectile type and base stats, a Grip that affects Damage, Recoil, and RoF or Beam Range, and a Loader that affects Crit Chance/Damage, Status Chance, Reload Time and Mag Capacity. I'll be giving a rundown of the Chambers, and what sort of setup I feel works best with each.

Semlar's Kitgun Builder is a fantastic resource for planning and comparing Kitguns, though unfortunately it hasn't been updated in some time.

Note that Kitguns can only be Forma'd and coloured, and only award Mastery (once per Chamber), once Gilded. Gilding can be done at Rude Zuud in Fortuna (requiring Rank 3 Doer with Fortuna, 5000 standing, and 10 Shelter Bonds), or Father in the Necralisk (requiring 5000 standing, and 25 Father Tokens)

Original posted on 24/11/2018, U24.1.1
Updated on 22/10/2022, U32.0.13

Baro Ki'Teer: 21/10/2022

A couple of items worth looking at this time around.

Saturday 15 October 2022

Review: Phantasma Prime (U32.0.13)

The Phantasma Prime is an MR14 Beam Shotgun, and a very minor upgrade over the base MR9 Phantasma. Released in U32.0.9 alongside Revenant Prime, it is a potent Status weapon with borderline-usable Crit, and excels at stacking massive numbers of procs on clumps of enemies.

Saturday 8 October 2022

Baro Ki'Teer: 07/10/2022

Not a whole lot notable this Baro visit. In non-Baro-related news, the crossplay testing between PC and Xbox seems to be going well.

Friday 7 October 2022

Review: Afentis (U32.0.11)

The Afentis is a new MR8 Speargun Primary. Styanax's signature weapon, it is a slow-firing weapon that launches projectiles with a powerful delayed explosion. Alternatively, it can be thrown into the ground to project a small buff field, which grants any Warframe within it several weapon buffs. While not as notable as a weapon itself, its utility field can be quite useful for some weapons, particularly AoE weapons that have been hit hard by the recent Ammo rework.