
Sunday 28 August 2022

Review: Phage (U31.7.2)

The Phage is an unusual MR11 Beam Shotgun. Firing a spread of beams, aiming will converge those beams onto a single point. With innate Viral damage and amazing Status output, it is a potent anti-armour weapon that scales fairly well, though takes some getting used to.

Sunday 21 August 2022

Review: Twin Grakatas (U31.7.2)

The Twin Grakatas are an MR9 Dual Secondary, introduced back in U17. Clem's signature weapon, as its name suggests it is consists of a pair of Grakata Rifles, with similar base stats albeit as a Secondary rather than a Primary. It excels at putting a huge number of rounds downrange, dealing very good Burst DPS but also consuming a ridiculous amount of ammo. While undoubtedly strong, it has several notable drawbacks and faces rather stiff competition.

Monday 8 August 2022

Review: Synapse (U31.7.1)

The Synapse is an MR11 Infested Beam Rifle. With base Corrosive damage and incredible Crit, it presents itself as a strong single target weapon with potential for some great elemental combos.