
Saturday 28 November 2020

Review: Deimos Kitguns (U29.5.5)

The release of U29.5 Deimos: Arcana also brought two new Kitgun Chambers, the Vermisplicer (left) and Sporelacer (right). Like with the existing Chambers, they can be made into distinct Primary and Secondary versions, though will only offer a single set of Mastery. There are also two new Grips, and four new Loaders. These components are all cross-compatible with any of the existing Kitgun components.
Oddly, although the new Infested component blueprints are all purchased from Father in the Necralisk, you cannot build any Kitguns with him. Instead, you still need to go to Rude Zuud in Fortuna to assemble a Kitgun (for 5000 credits), as well as Gild them (for 5000 Fortuna Standing and 10 Shelter [second tier] Bonds).
EDIT 18/12/2020: As of U29.5.7, you can now also build Kitguns at Father, as well as being able to guild them for 25 Father tokens.

Sunday 22 November 2020

Review: Proboscis Cernos (U29.5.2)

The Proboscis Cernos is a new Infested MR15 Bow, introduced in U29.5: Deimos Arcana. Despite the name, it functions nothing like any of the other Cernos', firing a unique projectile that latches onto and pulls in nearby enemies, before exploding. A Status-focused weapon with high Base Damage, it is a fairly powerful and quite novel weapon.

Saturday 21 November 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 21/11/2020

Only a few items of note (one extra if you're on NSwitch), with the two "new" items being from Twitch giveaways.

Monday 16 November 2020

Review: Nezha (Prime) [U29.3.2]

Nezha is a Warframe introduced in U18.1, inspired by the Third Lotus Prince Nezha in Chinese folklore. Nezha Prime is much more recent, having been released in U29.3. A varied and versatile Warframe, he is a solid jack-of-all-trades, offering a unique and effective range of abilities.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Review: Prisma Gorgon (U29.3.2)

The Prisma Gorgon is an MR11 Spool-Up Rifle available only from Baro Ki'Teer. With very strong Crit and a high RoF, it trades poor usability for impressive firepower. It also faces rather stiff competition from the many other strong Primaries.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Baro Ki'Teer: 6/11/2020

Another Baro visit, not a huge amount of significant value this time around.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Review: Zakti Prime (U29.3.0)

The Zakti Prime is an MR14 Secondary, just released alongside Nezha and Guandao Primes in U29.3. Firing explosive darts, it is fairly potent at clearing tightly packed groups of enemies, and rapidly stacks up Status procs on any survivors.