
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Review: Dread (U23.10.8)

The Dread is an MR5 bow whose blueprint is commonly dropped from (Shadow) Stalker. It is something that you'll most likely get many blueprints of if you play a decent amount of Warframe. Despite its low MR lock, the Dread is a very solid all-round bow and will do fairly well for most content, at least by bow standards.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Review: Rubico Prime (U23.10.8)

Released with Chroma and Gram Primes in U23.9, the Rubico Prime is a relatively newly released Prime sniper. With across-the-board improvements from the base Rubico, the RubicoP is a very solid and quite effective sniper rifle.

Monday 29 October 2018

Review: Supra Vandal (U27.3.16)

Last updated: U27.3.16

The Supra Vandal is an MR14 rifle originally given away as a reward during the Ambulas Reborn event, in U20.4. Back then, it was a very slight improvement over the thoroughly mediocre base Supra. The Balance Pass in U22.12 buffed the Supra Vandal into a high level, extremely powerful weapon. Thankfully for everyone who didn't complete Ambulas Reborn, almost a year later, it was released in Baro's stock. In my opinion, the Supra Vandal is one of the best Rifles in the game.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Review: Latron Prime (U23.10.8)

The Latron Prime is an MR10 Semi-Auto rifle that was released way back in U8.0, and is currently bundled together with Frost and Reaper Primes. The Balance Pass in U22.12 gave it a new lease of life in the form of a substantial buff, but it remains a victim of powercreep, and is also a little out-of-place in a game focused on crowd killing.

Friday 26 October 2018

Review: Staticor (U27.3.16)

Last updated: U27.3.16

The Staticor is an MR10 Thrown Secondary introduced in U18.4.7. It is quite unusual even by throwing weapon standards, firing slow-moving explosive energy bolts from its gauntlets. Though annoyingly requiring 10 Fieldron to make, this Clan-tech weapon is easily among the best Secondaries in the game for the majority of content.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Review: Prisma Grakata (U23.10.7)

The Prisma Grakata is an MR11 weapon that was introduced in U16.8.3 in Baro's stock. An improved version of the standard issue Grineer Grakata, it is a powerful, though ammo hungry and inaccurate rifle.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Review: Tiberon Prime (U27.3.16)

Latest Update: U27.3.16

Released with Zephyr and Kronen Primes in U22.16.4, the Tiberon Prime is the first true select-fire Rifle with three firing modes. With improvements over its base model in every stat except ROF, the MR14 TibP is great all-rounder and is one of my favourite Rifles.


Hello there!
This is a Warframe blog with a couple of intended purposes:
  • To discuss my thoughts on weapons, Warframes, and other aspects of Warframe
  • To offer some guidance to newer players
  • To act as a log of some of the things I've done in Warframe
I go by Admiral_Ackbar47 in-game. As of writing this post, I'm MR25 (almost 26) with something like 2500+ Steam hours logged. I started in late 2016 at the insistence of a friend, and have been hooked ever since.